Send a little information about yourself to your resume writer. Update the information you already have to get started or input your details from scratch. The more complete and detailed the information, the better your resume will be. Your Professional Value Proposition will be included automatically for your writer. Is it great? Now's the time to check.
Think about the key contributions you have made and what accomplishments you want to highlight.
Sometimes, it's easier to detail it in terms of:
I'm a great team-player in the project management field.
Greatest achievement was consistently managing meetings to be done in under one hour, or on average 15% quicker. Achieved this by having concise agendas and meeting overviews at the beginning of each meeting... more
I'd like to add that I once saved a class of 4th graders from a burning bus.
Attach your old resume. The more information you share, the better your new resume.
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Share your LinkedIn profile. The more information you share, the better your new resume.
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User chose Business Dev
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User chose Business Dev
User chose Farming